Monday, May 4, 2015

Sleeping Beauty is Finito!

I am happy to show off my finished Sleeping Beauty necklace. Thank you to those of you who stayed tuned in to the progress on this piece, and if this is your first time seeing it, I hope you enjoy and know that it is for sale and in need of a good home!

The finished necklace measures 16.5 inches, resting nicely across the collarbones. All of the settings are white gold, featuring a total of 1.5ct of fine white diamonds. The triple strands are gradient-colored fine sapphire beads that catch the light every which way you move.

The star of the show is a fine piece of hand carved Sleeping Beauty turquoise offset by a halo of diamonds with two free-hanging teardrop shaped diamonds to add just the right amount of movement. 

The clasp features a matching piece of Sleeping Beauty turquoise surrounded by fine white diamonds. As an added extravagance, the button of the catch itself is a diamond! 

If you feel this necklace calling to you, give us a call at 512-346-9423 and it can be yours!

Steve Kriechbaum, Designer Goldsmith //