Monday, December 8, 2014

Armadillo Christmas Bazaar - 20th Anniversary!

Hello all!
The holidays are almost upon us, and I'm keeping up my tradition, with this being my 20th year as a part of the Armadillo Christmas Bazaar
Come out and see me December 16th through Christmas Eve, 11am - 11pm every day, to enjoy live music, a plethora of wonderful art, and most importantly - the latest additions to my collection of unique jewelry! 

I have kept busy this past year traveling to multiple art shows, filling custom jewelry orders, teaching, playing music, dreaming up and fabricating new pieces to add to my inventory. I would love to see you come try on and take home some of the sparkly fruits of my labor! 

Wishing you & your family well this holiday season, and hoping to see you soon! 
